Fluid dynamics in an extensive subject-specific anatomy of the upper airways.
Example of regularised anisotropic filtering: from left to right the original image is progressively filtered more. Top row: image, bottom row: image gradient.
Computational haemodynamics of small vessels.
A subject-specific anatomy of the upper airways.
Example of processing the image gradient field, for i) filtering, ii) contrast enhancement, iii) edge localisation.
Geometric description of right nasal cavity, including generation of an average anatomy.
Geometric multiscale methods used to substitute the complex 3D daughter vessels branching off with 1D reduced order models as boundary conditions.
Longitudinal study of two patient-specific peripheral bypass grafts, observing and correlating the vascular remodelling with the fluid mechanics.

Kinematics of fluids: particle trajectories, surface shear lines, vortex cores and critical points: meaningful ways of post-processing bio-fluid CFD.
Cerebral aneurysms reconstructed from computed tomography angiography.
Cross section of right nasal cavity (red) and Fourier descriptor representation (black) with increasing number of modes.
Top row: averaging the nasal passage anatomy of three patients, yielding the population average. Bottom row: anatomy nomenclature.
Representation of the geometry by cross-sections and their medial axes – colour coded by medial axis thickness or with respect to anatomy location.
Particle tracking in a peripheral bypass graft. At inflow particles are colour coded red if adjacent to the lumen walls, and blue otherwise. At the proximal outflow a larger portion of red coloured tracers are seen, compared to the distal outflow.
Post-processing a streamline to identify the osculating plane.
Variability in image segmentaion using “clustering” methods. Left column: image; right column: image gradient.
Simplification (or filtering) the complex geometry of a right nasal cavity using Fourier descriptors.
Segmentation of the nasal passages. Yellow contour is based on voxel resolution. Blue contour is the filtered upsampling of the yellow contour.
Mesh independence study for computational haemodynamics simulations.
Post-processing simulations to look at: cross sections of the velocity profile, surface shear lines and wall shear stress. These measures are correlated to vascular remodelling.
Snapshots of videofluoroscopy images, with the bolus segmented in red.
Coronal cross-sections of CT scans of different animals. The nasal cavities show impressive inter-species variation, driven by evolutionary adaptation.
Nasal cavity of a horse. Left – full view. Right – internal view of principal airways.
Frames from a confocal microscopy experiment (from collaborators) which we process to delineate and track the red blood cells.