
Welcome to the page of the biofluids group.

Our research is concerned with the flow of fluids in biological systems, including human and animal physiology but also encompasses a range of topics. Evolution and natural selection have led to highly specialised, astoundingly elegant and efficient designs for the use of fluids in biological systems. By studying these systems we learn from them, and are inspired to develop healthcare technologies, devise novel industrial designs, help us respect natural processes. As we continue to investigate and gain greater understanding, we remain astounded by both the subtlety and complexity of fluids in biology.

Fluids and their flow are largely responsible for the transport of species, these being either the suspension of particles such as the circulation of blood cells, or of dissolved chemicals such as oxygen intake on inspiration. Fluids also serve or are involved in other functions in human and animal physiology, for example the regulation of intra-cranial pressure during cardiac and respiratory cycles, the correct functioning of the eye, the digestion of food, the transport of nutrients or waste products, cell mechanics, temperature regulation and many more.

The biological and physiological functions of fluids is keenly optimised for the role they play, for example that of mixing for the digestion of flood, the effective transport of blood cells to fight infections and diseases, and the stimulation of olfactory receptors to tell us what smells surround us.

While we have so far given examples of fluids in human and animal biology, our interests also encompass the natural world in a broader context. For example, this can be the flow of fluids in plants an other biological systems. We are also interested in understanding the animal kingdom behavioural processes and ability to design, for example the passages that ants or mud-worms may build to allow for air/water to flood their habitat efficiently to ensure a good flux of oxygen and removal of undesirable substances, as well as to regulate temperature.

We are continuously looking for new directions and research fields, working with national and international collaborators that make up a multi-disciplinary team: mathematicians, physicists, engineers, biologists, doctors, computer scientists.

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